I havent written in a long time.
I havent had enough to say.
Or..maybe, too much to say.
Ya know what I mean?
Anyway, its been a string of rather good/bad days latly.
Ya know the kind...
They start out good..get bad..and end well.
Welcome, to my life.
Haha. But im over it.
Im trying to see the silver lining.
Im starting school soon--YAYY ME!
Im excited.
Well, at least im hoping im starting school soon.
I'll have all my stuff turned in next week.
Go me.
Im gonna do something worthwhile with my life.
Annnd maybe sing a song or two.
Ive read some rather good books as of late.
I finished the Hunger Games series..
Annnd before that I started reading The Mortal Instruments series.
The new one just came out like last week.
Im excited.
I <3 them
I've been happy as of late.
Goodbye RUT
I have the best friends a girl could ask for.
Ya know?
Im sure everyone says that.
Im quite fond of mine.
I love having old friends back in my life.
Theres something about talking to an old friend that makes you feel so..
The history.
The knowledge.
The love.
Its all there.
It makes for good conversations.
Im moving out of my apartment.
Not so thrilled.
But I dont really have many options.
Im trying to see it as an opportunity to save money.
Well, save money and go to school.
Im turning my life around as of NOW
I think thats it for now.
I just felt the need to update.
Get over it..
P.S.-- How could I forget!?
I got muh hurr did this week.
Its like, my favorite past time. :)
It looks *FABULOUS*
Kat's the best.
And ode to my hair..
I told Manda I was gonna make one so..
Here it is.
New Hair.
New Me.
I <3 Life!